Mazkur tadbirlarda Guliston agrotexnologiyalar texnikumi, Sirdaryo yuridik texnikumi, Sirdaryo arxitektura va qurilish texnikumi o‘qituvchilari ham ishtirok etdilar.
Qatnashchilar ta’lim sifatini oshirishga qaratilgan ilg‘or usullarni amalda kuzatish, o‘zaro fikr almashish va tajriba orttirish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ldilar.
Ochiq darslar va master-klasslarda innovatsion texnologiyalarni qo‘llash, kasbiy ko‘nikmalarni rivojlantirish hamda o‘quvchilarni amaliy mashg‘ulotlarga jalb etish usullari bo‘yicha muhim tavsiyalar berildi.

On February 21, 2025, open lessons and master classes were organized at the Abu Ali Ibn Sina Public Health Technical School in Gulistan to ensure the implementation of the Order No. 408 of the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation dated September 6, 2023, on «The procedure for organizing and conducting open lessons and master classes in professional educational institutions.»
Teachers from the Gulistan Agro-Technology Technical School, the Syrdarya Law Technical School, and the Syrdarya Architecture and Construction Technical School also participated in the event. The participants had the opportunity to observe advanced methods aimed at improving the quality of education, exchange ideas, and gain experience.
During the open lessons and master classes, important recommendations were given on the use of innovative technologies, the development of professional skills, and methods of engaging students in