A roundtable discussion on the topic «Military Service is an Honorable Profession» was held at the Sirdaryo District Vocational School.
2023 yil 14-noyabr kuni Sirdaryo tumanidagi kasb-hunar maktabiga Chirchiq oliy tank qo‘mondonlik muhandislik bilim yurtidan, podpolkovnik A.Raxmanov tashrif buyurdi. Tadbir doirasida kasb-hunar maktabi bitiruvchi-o‘quvchilari bilan “Harbiy bo‘lish sharafli kasb” mavzusida davra suhbati tashkil etildi. Suhbat davomida podpolkovnik A.Raxmanov o‘quvchilarga O‘zbekiston Qurolli Kuchlaridagi so‘nggi islohotlar haqida batafsil ma’lumot berdi. U bugungi kunda armiyada olib borilayotgan yangilanishlar, mudofaa tizimidagi ilg‘or yutuqlar hamda harbiy xizmatning yoshlar uchun qanday imkoniyatlar yaratishi to‘g‘risida so‘zlab o‘tdi. Shuningdek, Chirchiq oliy tank qo‘mondonlik muhandislik bilim yurti tarixi, uning o‘quvchilarga taqdim etayotgan ta’lim imkoniyatlari hamda bilim yurtida o‘qish istagini bildirganlar uchun yaratilgan sharoitlar haqida ham to‘xtalib o‘tdi. | On November 14, 2023, Podpolkovnik A. Rakhmanov from the Chirchiq Higher Tank Command Engineering School visited the vocational school in Sirdaryo District. As part of the event, a roundtable discussion on the topic «Military Service is an Honorable Profession» was held with the graduating students of the vocational school. During the discussion, Podpolkovnik A. Rakhmanov provided detailed information to the students about the recent reforms in the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan. He spoke about the ongoing modernization efforts within the army, significant achievements in the defense sector, and how military service offers various opportunities for young people. Additionally, he touched upon the history of the Chirchiq Higher Tank Command Engineering School, the educational opportunities it provides to students, and the favorable conditions created for those wishing to study at the institution. |