A training seminar was held for “Business Fundamentals” teachers at the Mirzaobod District Polytechnic.
Joriy yilning 6-7-yanvar kunlari Mirzaobod tuman politexnikumida Germaniya metodikasi asosida ishlab chiqilgan «Karyerani rivojlantirish» maxsus kursi doirasida Sirdaryo viloyatidagi kasbiy ta’lim tashkilotlarining “Biznes asoslari” fan o‘qituvchilari uchun o‘quv-seminar tashkil etildi.
Mazkur tadbirda Sirdaryo viloyati Oliy taʼlim, fan va innovatsiyalar boshqarmasi boshlig‘i A.Xajimuratov ishtirok etib, iqtisodiyot sohasidagi bilimlari va tajribasi bilan o‘rtoqlashdi hamda o‘qituvchilarga qator amaliy takliflar berdi.
Seminar davomida Germaniyaning ilg‘or tajribalariga asoslangan metodikalar o‘rganilib, o‘qituvchilarning pedagogik mahorati va o‘quv jarayonining samaradorligini oshirishga qaratilgan ko‘nikmalar shakllantirildi.
Seminar yakunida ishtirokchilarga tegishli sertifikatlar topshirildi.
On January 6-7 of this year, a training seminar was organized at the Mirzaobod District Polytechnic for “Business Fundamentals” teachers from vocational education institutions in the Syrdarya region. The seminar was part of the «Career Development» special course developed based on German methodology.
The event was attended by A. Khajimuratov, the Head of the Syrdarya Regional Higher Education, Science, and Innovations Department, who shared his knowledge and experience in the field of economics and provided several practical recommendations to the teachers.
During the seminar, participants studied advanced methodologies based on Germany’s leading practices, aimed at enhancing teachers’ pedagogical skills and increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.
At the end of the seminar, participants were awarded relevant certificates.