FM_Muloqot loyihasi doirasida Sirdaryo viloyati yuridik texnikumi talabasi Maqsad Xalbayev bilan suhbat tashkil etildi.

An interview was held with Maqsad Khalbayev, a student from the Syrdarya Regional Law Technical College, within the framework of the FM_Muloqot project.

Suhbat davomida u «Korrupsiya — taraqqiyot kushandasi» mavzusini muhokama qilib, korrupsiyaning global miqyosdagi og’ir muammo ekanligini ta’kidladi. Korrupsiya faqatgina ayrim mamlakatlarda emas, balki dunyo bo’ylab iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy taraqqiyotning oldida to’siq bo’lib qolayotganini, bu jarayonning barcha sohalarga salbiy ta’sir ko’rsatishini so’zlab berdi.

Shuningdek, korrupsiyaning nafaqat iqtisodiyot, balki jamiyatning adolat va taraqqiyot prinsiplariga ham jiddiy zarar yetkazishini, unga qarshi kurashishning faqat davlatning emas, balki har bir fuqaroning mas’uliyati ekanligini ta’kidladi.

Korrupsiya bilan kurashishda nafaqat qonunlarni kuchaytirish, balki madaniy o’zgarishlar, bilim va tarbiya orqali xolis va adolatli jamiyat yaratishga erishish lozimligini qayd etdi.

During the conversation, he discussed the topic «Corruption — an Obstacle to Development,» emphasizing that corruption is a serious global issue. He pointed out that corruption is not only a problem in certain countries, but also a barrier to economic and social development worldwide, affecting all sectors negatively.

Additionally, he highlighted that corruption damages not only the economy but also the principles of justice and development in society. He stressed that the fight against corruption is not only the responsibility of the state but also of every citizen.

Maqsad Khalbayev also noted that in the fight against corruption, it is essential to not only strengthen laws but also achieve a fair and just society through cultural changes, education, and upbringing.

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